I give my name because, I think it will be nice for me to let you know who monitors this blog. Other than that, it is highly irrelevant to share names on this blog.. Initials will be fine...
Want to know Why? In a minute.. You will!
Have You Ever had a Silly Question you have like to ask but can't dare ask? Here is your blog!
Let me get us started by rolling the first stone....
But the next, i hope someone gives us something more uglier to chew!
So.. what is the first thing i would ask...
10 out of 10 guys who happens to stand with a female (perhaps minu
s mum & sisters.. i haven't taken time to observe) have to take a quick peep at her breast every 3.45 mins.. no, 3.44mins!

Well, I read somewhere online that..
Looking at Breasts is Healthy. 10 Minutes Of Staring at Breasts Daily
Prolongs Man's Life by 5 Years!
According to German research published in New England Journal of Medicine,
men staring at women's breasts in fact prolong their lives with years.
"Just 10 minutes of looking at the charms of a well-endowed females is equivalent
to a 30-minute aerobics work-out," said author Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist.
And you might want to post a comment right away cuz i am damn sure i aint the only girl wondering that!
Give an answer and dare to post your own question!
We are waiting.. Keep the comments coming!